lifestyle geography

lifestyle geography

My Journey Through Geography


5 min read

Get closer, Zol.. Geography is the idea Geography Geography... Geography of logic... Richter measures your pulse.. your dormant volcano.. I sensed you inside me.. with the full curve.. the slope of you.. and your separation perception!

On a beautiful morning in front of the geography department On a beautiful morning in front of the geography department Text This beautiful poem still resonates in my ears. As students of geography and lovers of geography, we used to listen to it on Tuesdays of every week, as the GIS Association was active in the college. The most beautiful thing that happened in my life was my admission to the Faculty of Arts through the Department of Geography, which is one of the oldest departments of Cairo University, the branch, before it turned into the National Administration under the name of Al-Neelain University. ! [Get to know the college] (

welcome all This is my first post here hashnode and the first of its kind in my blogging career.So I ask you to excuse me. If you are reading for the sake of reading, keep going. I write to preserve this moment for the sake of history.
I am so glad you are here to read my story and my journey through geography. Although it was short, I am proud of it because my ambition did not and will not stop.

I grew up in Omdurman and then my family moved to a new planning area ,For geographical and social reasons, the majority of our fathers in Sudan may resort to it.

This is a kind of cultural peculiarity of our local community, I do not want to prolong the topic of urban planning, Disadvantages of planning in most third world countries. And about the advantages of planning in some developed countries and issues of social justice and environmental impact in the various regions of Omdurman.I have very different ideas about the great city of Omdurman or the old Khartoum. This is one of the secrets of my love for geography that made me understand it deeply. How to take advantage of the huge amount of data available. at this time! This secret I just discovered while writing this blog! This is one of the benefits of writing and blogging.

My educational journey began in Omdurman, then I traveled west to Jebel Marra, one of the beautiful mountainous regions of Sudan,Its climate is often cold and sometimes temperate, with its picturesque nature and its charming waterfalls and springs

1629560371814.jpg I returned to Khartoum and graduated from Al-Nabijoun High School,Then I,graduated from Alneelain University in 2018. My highest grades in high school were in geography, and I often get the perfect score. But the truth is that I wanted to become an engineer in the future, having given up the dream of an astronaut.

Wait a minute why are you laughing! ๐Ÿ˜† I know you smiled when you read the previous sentence,The question is why would the majority of our generation in their childhood want to be astronauts? As children at this time, they want to become superheroes, like the heroes of American series and movies,This created false visions.

I entered the geography department with a sincere desire, and when I got the general education curricula, I was very pleased with the presence of computer and statistics subject, which is the entrance to GIS sciences. My in-depth geographical journey began after graduation, I liked to introduce myself as a geographical explorer, so I visited all the different states of Sudan except for the two new states, i.e. 16 states out of 18 states. There I learned about environmental problems and the social deprivation of many services for geographical, social and political reasons. I thought about how to find solutions to these complex issues. After freeing myself for a whole year to study the different technologies offered by esri and some open source technologies, QGIS. In GIS, I found the right tools. But some of them are costly in terms of time and money, so I thought about how to approach this. In addition, I wanted to master spatial IT software. I wanted to learn Python, and when I began to take an educational course, the December revolution began, and a year later the country's political system fell, and educational institutions ceased.

One of the shipping companies in Libya called me. I worked with her full time. My job is to track the goods until they reach the customers and the movement of ships to follow the shipments and movement of containers.


Plus I've been mapping the movement of merchant ships in the ocean, making use of real-time satellite data. At that time, if I had mastered the Python language, it would be good to help me a lot in developing many smart solutions, which are based on the intelligence of the site. For shipping companies and their regional offices and companies operating in ships. Because Libya was deprived of many specialized technologies in this field, I contacted major international companies in Athens, and they explained to me that they were unable to cooperate. But thanks and praise goes back to one of the creative friends who brought us knowledge in the esri community.

But I will not give up and the good thing is that esri makes it possible to develop and create solutions for clients without using programming I do not want to prolong you, we meet on other topics,I will be happy with your feedback.

Thank you so much.
